The book collection of the library comprises books and reference resources. They are housed in the Ground Floor (Reference, Autobiography, Biography, Memoir, Fiction and Literature Books), First Floor (Complete Subject Collection, and IT Books). They are arranged as per Dewey Decimal Classification. Each book is assigned a number representing the subject and arranged in ascending order in open shelves. Some collection (Training Manuals and Educational Videos) is in closed shelves, and please contact circulation desk or library to refer them. To browse and search for this collection use the online catalogue
How are books arranged in the library? – Books in the library are arranged in a classified order System. After locating an item in the OPAC, the screen will provide the call number for the item. The call number is the “address” of the item on the bookshelves.
It will look something like the following:
658 (assigned to the book “Management”)
658.15 (assigned to the book for “Finance”)
658.8 (assigned to the book for “Marketing”)