“Oratory is the great art of commanding the will, and with it the hearts and minds of men.” 

– Daniel Webster 

Effective communication skills are a pivotal facet of one’s personality. The way we articulate and project ourselves to our peers distinguishes us from the broader crowd. Given the diversity of backgrounds, encompassing aspiring future leaders of the corporate realm, it becomes indispensable to excel in self-presentation. This notion served as the seed from which sprouted the initiative known as ‘Limelight – The Oratory Club of IMT Ghaziabad’. Planted within the foundation of a 43-year-old institution, this seedling aspires to be nurtured by the enriching nutrients of ‘passion and intensity’, fostering its evolution into a matured ‘Tree of Orators’, yielding the fruits of ‘confidence and creativity’ within the realm of public discourse. 

Limelight orchestrates numerous events that provide its members abundant opportunities to master the craft of public speaking. This experience bolsters their confidence to adeptly arrange similar events for enthusiastic orators within and beyond the IMT community. The events encompass debates, JAM sessions, Model United Nations (MUNs), public speaking workshops, informal & interactive fireside chats, presentations, and a host of other upcoming offerings. Beyond these, hosting regular practice sessions in a supportive and conducive environment that is open to all is another key objective of the club. 

Embracing the concept of community, Limelight fosters a nurturing and facilitating atmosphere where individuals can openly present their concerns and innovative ideas to the club. This approach aims to cultivate a collective of passionate individuals who strive to transcend their boundaries and unlock their potential, with the aspiration of emerging as successful leaders in the years ahead. 

LIMELIGHT ultima modifica: 2024-01-29T16:52:44+05:30 da imtadmin